I have a mental list going of all the things I want to do before I leave for Egypt. Some are a given, that is, I've already taken the steps to make them happen, others are wishes, that perhaps some of you can help me with :)
1. Be in the country for the birth of a niece or nephew. This will be the first time I've actually been on Canadian soil when a baby is born in our family. Should happen Mid-April, from what I understand.
2. Teach for a week at Redeemer. (okay, this isn't so much a "wish" as a fact).
3. Complete an entire Sprint Triathlon, all by myself. Goal: finish under 2 hours.
4. Stand on a 401 overpass when a fallen soldier is coming "home". I hope that I won't get this opportunity, but logic and current events say otherwise.
5. Have a special weekend with my nephew. He has to be potty-trained for this to happen, so I'm putting it on my list to help my sister in law!
6. Go to Canada's Wonderland. So long as Melanie's not preggo this summer it'll work out.
7. Sing around the campfire with 120 of my favourite students from Durham.
8. Lead worship at Church with my brother Paul one last time.
9. Finish the Twilight series (please, don't judge me).
10. **
** Number 10 is open to suggestions - what do you think should be on my list of "lasts" before I move to Cairo???