It is probably time to get this blog rolling...and I've completed almost everything on my "bucket list," so there's not much else to do at this point!
Numbers 4 and 5 (see previous post) are incomplete, and I'm okay with that. Number 4 isn't as important to me as it was when I wrote originally, and that's just the way it is. As for a potty trained nephew, it's happened, but I don't think he's too excited about a "special weekend" with Auntie Shannon. I'm not even sure he knows that I'm leaving. His big sister on the other hand...
I've been in a trance of good byes these days - staff at DCHS, students at DCHS, people at church, special groups from church, etc. Some farewells are short and sweet, others leave me choked up and sad. I tried to say good bye to the staff at DCHS and couldn't get through all the things I wanted to say. I think they know that they will be missed.
Reality has not yet set in, and I've heard it really doesn't until you step out of an airport into 50 degree weather. I even find myself still thinking about life like I'll be living here in September. "I think I should teach that in grade 12 French," or, "that would be a great song to teach the church this fall." Oops!
4 weeks from tonight I'll be on the airplane, headed to Frankfurt. I tend to get restless on airplanes, sometimes a little excitement in the way of turbulence helps that. I'll be taking suggestions for airplane novels and MP3 playlists in the comments section now.
Pics of all the good byes will come too!