We cross to Road 7, still in Ma'adi, which we call "Real Egypt."
We walk past the fly covered fruits and veggies stands.
The vendors are used to us, they do not make inappropriate comments or bother us to buy from them.
There are live chickens squawking and running everywhere. Jen wants to pet them but says "that's how I get sick."
We go to 'our vegetable guy.' When he sees us he jumps up from his chair and shakes our hands, saying 'why so long since away?' He entertains us with the EXACT SAME story every weekend in Arabic and English that we still don't understand (something about Canada and Alaska), and we buy our vegetables. Today I paid about the equivalent of a dollar for my peppers, carrots, limes, and cucumbers.
He gives us a gift of a bright green pepper. Every week.
We return to the fly-covered fruit stands and pay another 2 dollars for kilos of bananas, oranges and strawberries.
We each buy a rotisserie Chicken that we can eat off all week. These are sold in an outdoor 'shop' underneath an overpass that is never without hundreds of honking, loud cars and trucks. We assume that the previously mentioned 'cute' chickens all end up at this shop.
And this is all completely normal.
How did you acquire your fresh produce this week???