Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Decision

I decided late on January 27 to accept a position teaching middle school French at an International school in Cairo, Egypt. This is what happens when I get bored.

Most people, when they get bored, watch TV, or read a new book, or call a friend for coffee. When I get bored, restless and in need of something new, I usually end up trying to find new work. Two years ago I decided to do my Masters degree, because I was bored. Since that is no longer new and exciting, and since it will be finished in 4 months, it was time for a new adventure.

I am still not completely sure how I ended up being offered a job in Cairo, but here we go. It actually all started last July, when my dad told me about an administrator he met at a conference. Many emails and conversations later, and here I am.

Current climate in Cairo: Hot and Sunny.

A New Blog!

This is for my mom...because we all know that in about 4 days she'll be the only one still reading it.

As I prepare to say good-bye to Bowmanville, and hello to Cairo, I thought it'd be fun to start a blog. I lurk on other people's blogs all the time, but this is my first stab at it.

With my newly acquired digital camera, I'll hopefully add lots of pictures of pyramids too.