Sunday, November 22, 2009

To my dear Arabic teacher...

I forgot to tell you that I have a Masters degree in Second Language Education. I forgot to tell you that when we learn 2nd languages we have to consume a lot of language before we produce it. It's a well known fact about language learning.

I can't write your language yet, and it frustrates both of us. I keep failing your tests, but you haven't given me the chance to show you that I CAN read your words, and sound them out, if you would just stop rushing me and interrupting me to tell me that I obviously didn't do my homework.

I also forgot to tell you that more than reading or writing I really, really, really, need to know how to speak to people on the street. People on the street don't ask me the months of the year, or what the weather is like in August. Furthermore, putting a picture of rain to illustrate winter is a cultural lesson, not a language one.

People on the streets of Cairo ask me how many camels it will take to marry them. They charge me too much for things, (of course with the exception of Mohammed the fruit man) and I must learn quickly to argue with them, in their language. I need to know the arabic equivalent of “What are you staring at ???”

Did I also forget to tell you that I'm a bit of a pretentious snob who thinks she knows everything when it comes to teaching languages???

Your worst student.

PS. I actually like your class a lot, and tonight for the first time the words you wrote on the board looked like words - not hieroglyphics. I might not be aware that I am actually learning. I'll come back next week, I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Just out of curiosity, how many camels WOULD it take?? Also, I think there are some fairly universal hand gestures that would get the "What are you staring at??" message across rather well, Arabic or not!

    You make me laugh :-)
