Egypt still holds a place in my mind and heart, and will for some time. Many friends are still there, some are returning for another go, others are leaving for different adventures.
Occasionally I re-read my thoughts on these pages and think about all the wonderful experiences I gained in two years. It's obvious to point out that it has changed me, but it could also simply be that I've grown up.
I still miss so many things about Cairo, and find my mind wandering to likes of Mostafa the driver, Mohamed the fruitman or Rabeya the boab. People I'll never see again and who will never contact me via email or Facebook but who were so essential to my daily life as a stranger in a strange land.
Being home has been lovely. I love my new job and I love that I will soon be buying my new home. It's great to once again be involved in my family's lives again too. Part of me always wonders if I made the right choice to leave, and I'm learning to be content with that feeling.
My last picture is not one of Egypt, but one of lasting importance. The collection of t-shirts in this photo, worn by the most important people in my life, were a goal and a distraction in the spring. Sharing in Egypt's pride, we celebrate my return to Canada and God's faithfulness over an incredible two year journey.
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