Monday, March 4, 2013

Cycling to End Poverty

I stopped long enough to have time to think.

Really, that's when all the best decisions are made.

I looked back to when I started this blog in February of 2009.  I wrote 'Most people, when they get bored, watch TV, or read a new book, or call a friend for coffee. When I get bored, restless and in need of something new, I usually end up trying to find new work. Two years ago I decided to do my Masters degree, because I was bored. Since that is no longer new and exciting, and since it will be finished in 4 months, it was time for a new adventure. '

I had an adventure in Egypt.  It was revolutionary.  I moved back to Canada, bought a house and settled.  I loved it for about 4 minutes.  Last summer, when I allowed myself to get bored and rest, I made another decision.  I decided that I would use my life to hopefully benefit others.  I would join a group of people cycling from Los Angeles to New York City over my summer vacation.  How different could this be than running a 1/2 marathon?  I think easier.

Will you join me in my efforts?  Will you donate to the tour, pray for us, laugh at me as I train in those ridiculous shorts, and listen to me obsess about it?

Thanks.  Looking forward to the ride.


  1. How do we donate?

  2. Hi Rhea

    I just answered your question (A very good one) in a new post. I also received a lovely card from you in the mail this week. Thank you so much.
