Saturday, November 6, 2010

Egypt tacky and other musings

Where did October go? I am sitting here, days before my mom and Marilyn arrive back in Cairo, thinking about the blur that was October. The expression "time flies when you are having fun" certainly is true!

I'm starting to view life in terms of fresh produce: we've come out of a delicious mango season, followed by pomegranates, and are anxiously awaiting the arrival of strawberry season (yes! in November!).

Being in the same place for a second year has been great, and I think October brought a lot of feelings of déjà vu all over again....

Caroline and Alexandrine arrived from Paris.

We had the Spirit of Giving Auction at the Church. This event raised 50 000 USD for development projects in Egypt. It was an odd 'welcome to Egypt' event for Caro and Alex, but they really enjoyed losing at Blackjack!

School has been flying by. The kids are cracking me up this year. Middle School is good for my ego...(notice the spelling of French and Mademoiselle...)

Living alone here might be one of the best decisions that was ever made for me. I love my apartment, especially these elements, which I call "Egypt tacky."

This couch is bright orange, as is the love seat, and both arm chairs. The tile is orange-y peach, and the decorations are all some shade of orange, peach or pink. That is a tassel. It is also orange.
This Greek god watches me shower every day. Yep, it's creepy.

The best compliment of the month: "wow, Shannon. You cross the road just like a local."

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