Thursday, February 3, 2011

Still safe, away from Cairo

I've sent emails updating my current situation. Again, I will not be posting that (yet) here.

Suffice it to say that with school being temporarily closed and my future being so uncertain, I'm very restless. I have been doing a ton of writing, and will some day share much more with people who are still reading this.

Tonight has not been a good one, I'm filled with anxiety and worry (are those the same?) and want to be home. But it is not time for that yet.

Barbara Kingsolver once wrote "No matter what kind of night you're having, morning always wins." There have been many times in my life where I have clung to this promise over and over. It is both physically night time right now, and a more figurative night time in Egypt too. Here's hoping morning will win.


  1. My students are constantly thinking of Egypt (most of them are from there!) and we prayed a special prayer for Egypt yesterday. God is there, and He's in control, and He hears our prayers!!

    PS. If you need to get out of Egypt to somewhere nearby, you're always welcome back. It's still peaceful here, and there is (was?) a direct flight from Sharm.

  2. hi Kirstin and Katie
    Thank you both for your prayers and support. Kirstin, feel free to ask Jenn for some of the updates, she's welcome to share! I will update more here when the dust settles (figuratively and literally).

    Katie, as this wears on, you may just see me at your door step! I'd temporarily forgotten that Kuwait was an option. Thank you thank you thank you!!!
