Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day Zero

Today is the day before the big day... Sort of.

We have been in the dorms at Vanguard University since arriving. The time has been spent prepping the bikes, going through safety training and many peletons - group meetings with instructions, too many opinions, and anxious cyclists :). 

Today we rode to Huntington Beach to officially dip our tires in the Pacific Ocean.  I mad it fine, but the closer we got I said "hmmm, my tire is riding kinda funny."  Sure enough, I had another flat! A fellow cyclist said, "oh, you're going to be that cyclist..."  I changed it completely on my own, without help.  Must have been the practice this spring.

It was fun to dip tires in the Pacific, and commit this ride to God.  We definitely get a lot of attention riding in a pack of 100, all wearing our jerseys.  I'm looking forward to tomorrow when I'll head out with a small group of women my age and my speed.

Tomorrow we leave LA and go to Redlands. Giddy up ! 109km. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like everyone is having fun in the sun in LA. Uptight Yanks or Canucks too? I don't know which profile to pick so I'll try anonymous.

