Sunday, August 18, 2013

Jour 56: the real reason I biked from LA to Montreal

It's very possible I've been talking about this sandwich since I made friends on this trip.

As we approached la Belle Province I talked a lot about my favourite little restaurant in Montreal.

Today we were bused in to the city for church.   Ryan randomly met up with a college friend at church, and as we were discussing lunch, I asked him if he had heard of café Santropol. And because he's a good 30 something Montrealer, it was his recommendation for lunch as well.  

14 of us ended up together ordering funky sandwiches and milkshakes.  Santropol, I'm sorry I haven't been by in 4 years. I'll try to do better in the future.

That pretty much sums up our day of rest - wandering Montreal, and eating good food.

Oh, and this happened to Billy D's tent too.  

6 days left.  Crazy of a different kind. 


  1. Adam looks like he hasn't ever seen a sandwich before. So, there's this awesome sandwich place in Field, BC. The best sandwish I ever had in my life, but I certainly wouldn't bike there. You're food-quest hero, baby.

  2. I was in Montreal two years ago and could not remember the little place Esther's grade 12 French class had lunch - I'm guessing this is the place.
