Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 11: oh, America

Today is the Fourth of July.  I cannot argue with "flag bombing" my bike at 5am. Because I do not typically use words at 5am.

Now, it's no longer crazy hot, so what were we all doing WIDE awake at 5am? The beautiful town of St. John AZ has a wicked tradition where they blast a cannon a million and one times at 5 AM on Independence Day.  God bless America.

Christy and I rode alone today, which means we didn't have anyone encouraging us to go faster, to get back on our bikes after a SAG stop.... You get the picture. It was a slower day of riding, since we were only going 92km.  And the hills were kicking our butts. Maybe we were going too slow? Lets blame the head wind.

And we got to enjoy a lot of fun things.  Like when this happened and I was laughing so hard I could barely take the picture:

That's right, she fell while stopping to buckle up her helmet after leaving SAG 1.

And then we saw this:

We didn't stop long, and I'm thankful for the zoom lens on my new camera.  

We crossed into New Mexico, and as you can see from the bullet holes in the sign, it's the land of enchantment.

The landscape still leaves me enchanted.  


  1. Aack, is that a rattlesnake???

  2. I really enjoy reading you blog, every day! Keep up the good work and I will see you in Trenton ! Ingrid kapteyn

  3. Sister, you are cracking me up! So glad your sense of humour is fully intact. God Bless America, Land of Enchantment, doughnuts and ak47s. Boo ya!
    (P.S. I miss you.)
