Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 27

Saturday was rough again.  The plains so far have not been my friend.  Or maybe it's just the total distances each day that haven't.  Here's our week in review:

Monday: 120km
Tuesday: 125km
Wednesday: 109km
Thursday: 116 km
Friday: 165km
Saturday: 122km

That's 757 km in 6 days.  What did you do this week???

I digress.  I was on Sweep, which means that we help with breakfast and then load the truck and basically leave camp last. All my buddies were out ahead, and I decided to go alone-ish.  I headed out at 8.  I basically rode into a head wind all day. It was very hard. Wind, I've decided, is worse than hills because you think you should be going fast, but you just can't.  When you combine wind WITH hills, it's a long day of cycling.

About 30km from camp, there was another dark cloud and another downpour.  It was nice to cool off, but 30km is a long way to ride in the wind, rain and soaking wet.  At the risk of giving too much information, chafing is a big risk when you ride that long in wet shammies (bike shorts). 

My total time for the day still wasn't awful, and I still averaged 21.8km/hr, but I was so tired from all the long days.  The only thing that got me through was knowing that when I was done, I would not have to cycle again until Monday.

We are spending the weekend in the booming metropolis of Fairbury, Nebraska, population 3200. 

There's not much here, but we did find a great Mexican restaurant.

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