Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 23

Today was not stellar, for a whole host of weird reasons.  The "downhills" aren't really downhill, because overall we are only dropping a couple hundred feet of elevation.  We've picked up a nasty side wind that Mark tells me will last through the prairies.  

We rode more than half of our 125km on the freeway, which led to a flat (my first in 19 days!).  Trying to keep a bike straight in those winds leads to a very sore back.  I'm so tired I'm mixing tenses.

Our average speed was 24.9km/hr, which I should be happy with, but I had assumed it would be higher.  

There aren't any pictures from today.  Just imagine my grumpy face, and then picture me sleeping it off under a tree this afternoon.

That is all there is from Burlington, Colorado.  

"The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning..."


  1. I love your honesty - and I'm glad that you're safely in for the night. I also loved the post before this one of how you and another rider "shepherded" your friend in when she was limited to the two hardest gears. Way to go! Keep it up! And thank you very much for sharing your adventures in your blog.

  2. I pray that your soul can find a way to bless the Lord and be blessed by Him today.

  3. Thanks for your updates, Shannon, especially when you're so tired you mixed your tenses. At least you still notice. ;o) Praying for you, daily. I hope you feel shepherded along the way.
